
Read all about it!

FAP 2014 is over!

Yep, another FAP done .. the results are available, and releases will be available soon-ish on should have some already.
-- orgaz01 Dec 2014 / 11:34


-- orgaz28 Nov 2014 / 20:35

Information e-mails sent

The e-mails informing you about the location, and how to get in, were sent yesterday. If you haven't gotten yours, visit the IRC channel (#fap2014 @ IRCNet) or e-mail nosfe (see compos page for email address).
-- orgaz27 Nov 2014 / 13:17

Party schedule!

The party timetable/schedule has been published. Go see what we have, and check for the deadlines!
-- orgaz18 Nov 2014 / 18:23

General compo rule updates

Some general compo rules related to submitting were updated, hopefully making organizer life easier .. maybe.
-- orgaz10 Nov 2014 / 20:23

Feel good with LSD!

For your party-waiting pleasure, we've put a crispy capture of "Jesus on E's" by LSD on Youtube. See that half hour just fly by while dancing to beautifully clipped sampled beats.
-- orgaz04 Nov 2014 / 15:39

Preregistration open & other news

Preregistration to attend the FAP is now finally open! Go ahead, make our day. Note that our entry fee has changed from last year, it's now 20EUR.

Our web-pages layout is still somewhat under development, please be patient.

-- orgaz01 Nov 2014 / 16:17

Competition rules updated

There are some brand new general compo rules (the specific per compo rules have not changed from last year), mostly concerning how to submit your entries. Please take a look, if you're intending to participate.
-- orgaz01 Nov 2014 / 00:10

Web pages open!

Yup. The time for another FAP is closing fast .. visitor registration and other information coming soon.
-- orgaz17 Oct 2014 / 01:57